The Coronavirus pandemic is a worrying time for all of us, but there are lots of things we can do to help ourselves feel better connected. Here are some great tips for mental well-being from the team at Aura-Soma Retreat, a holistic wellness company based in Lincolnshire.

We may be isolating ourselves in the physical sense, but now more than ever we must reach out and reach in. We must connect, outwardly and inwardly. Be kind to ourselves and others. For where the mind goes, energy flows. And never more than in times of adversity, does compassion prevail.

‘Let’s focus on what’s going to support the love, the caring. What’s going to support the kindness and compassion. Whatever we give our attention to is likely to grow, so much better we put our attention to those things than fear.’

Connect Inwards

Remember: a deep and eternal reservoir of peace lies within you. An awareness that, when you quieten the chatter of your mind, connects you to all things – feeding you a direct line of strength, wisdom and resilience. And it’s there always, no matter what is happening.

Two ways to access this portal of pure peace at times of high stress is by practising meditation and mindfulness. From a spiritual perspective, it will feed your soul and connect you to universal consciousness. But if you fancy getting sciencey about it – we know both practices change our brains’ neurology, reducing our fight or flight response and increasing our resilience, immunity and compassion.


Regularly stop and connect with your breath for a few moments. Feel it coming in and out of your nostrils, don’t try to change it – just observe it. Notice how your mind quietens for just a moment. To get you into the habit try sticking post-it notes on things you come into contact with regularly to remind you to do it (the kettle, the cupboard, above the kitchen sink).

Keep a diary

In adjusting to our new normal, and all the intricacies that come with that, keeping a diary or journal is a great way to come to terms with our new day today. Writing in a stream of consciousness can lead us to better self-understanding, noting down bits and pieces from our day can remind us of how resilient we are. We’re living in unprecedented times, a time which will be reflected upon by future generations, diarise all those important changes you have made that you can look back proudly on in the future.

Set a daily intention

At the start of each day – it will help refocus you and keep you aligned with your values while boosting the energy you emit to others.

Let yourself off the hook

It’s ok to feel low, exhausted, emotional – we’re in a big period of readjustment. Be kind to yourself, sit, drink tea, let it out, know you’re not the only one and ‘this too shall pass’. Aura-Soma custodian Mike Booth recently reminded us that to help us ‘reset’ “the White Pomander brings light into the auric field and protects us at an electromagnetic level across the spectrum of vibrations that are necessary at this point in time”

Connect Outwards

Now more than ever we face realising just how social a species we truly are. We may be isolated, but we can still connect and commit ourselves to small acts of kindness (not only does it help others, but an altruistic attitude also boosts our own health and happiness levels).

Reach out to friends, family and colleagues

Discover Zoom (the social streaming platform that connects up to 100 people at a time), connect on Skype and FaceTime so you can ‘virtually’ cook together, laugh together, do quizzes together, support each other. And get creative: write poems for loved ones, draw pictures and make cards for them even if you think you’re no good at it – it may give them a lift just when they need it.

Connect with your children

Be it baking, creating, reading or messy play, now is the time to get to know them and there’s no better gift for a child than a present parent. Give yourself the gift too of meeting them in their own joy, allow your inner-child a little playfulness – you never know, you might just be making some of the best memories they’ll ever have.

Reach out to your local community

What can you do to help others? What skills do you have that can be used for more than just making money right now? Not only will you be doing your bit, by focussing on others you’ll help reduce your own stress levels.

When you feel hard done by, frustrated or angry put your hand on your heart and feel a big ‘thank you’ to all the frontline workers who are doing everything they can for us right now.

Look after yourselves, and know we are with you!

Love, the Aura-Soma Team