Ruskington One Railway Walk
Ruskington is one of Lincolnshire’s largest villages and has a large stream known as The Beck running through its centre. The place name Ruskington is derived from the Old English ‘riscen’ meaning ‘rushy, growing with rushes’ and ‘tun’ meaning ‘a farmstead, village’.
The ‘-sk-‘ is due to Scandinavian influence. All Saints’ church dates to the twelfth century with thirteenth and fifteenth century additions and alterations. Some of the stained glass dates to the fourteenth century. The tower was restored in 1620 following the collapse of the spire and the whole church restored and the chancel rebuilt in 1885.
This walk offers the opportunity to explore the village and the surrounding countryside.
Walk location: Ruskington lies 30 km (19 miles) south-east of Lincoln and 6 ½ km (4 miles) north of Sleaford.
Starting point: All Saints’ church at the junction of Church Street and High Street North, Ruskington. Grid reference: TF 082 510
Linked to Public Transport
Dog Friendly
- 1From the church walk along High Street (North) beside The Beck.
- 2Turn left along Parkfield Road and take the first right into East Close which leads onto Tomlinson Way. Walk to the far end, then between two houses and over a bridge.
- 3Turn right and after approximately 20 metres bear left across the field to the hedge and fence bordering the railway line. Cross the double railway track with care. Cross the next field by bearing diagonally left towards a waymarker post on the skyline. At the post and field corner, continue in the same direction across the next field.
- 4At the field corner and junction with a restricted byway and footpath, turn right along the restricted byway and follow it to a road.
- 5At the road turn right and follow it back to the village centre.
This walk uses roadside paths, roads, field paths and tracks.
The railway line is crossed once. There are no stiles but and you are unlikely to encounter livestock.
things to do in the area
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre (BBMF)
Dogdyke Steam Drainage Station
Metheringham Airfield Visitor Centre
Sleaford Tourist Information Centre
Crazee Bongos Indoor Play Centre
RAF Digby Lima Sector Operations Room
Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum
Giant Lincoln Bike Shop at Doddington Hall
Historic Lincoln & Surrounding Area
Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum
Poacher Line Railway Station Walks