We're good to go in Lincolnshire - Visit Lincoln are working with tourism businesses across the region to ensure they are "Good to Go".

Visit Lincoln are at the forefront of life after lockdown, working with tourism businesses across the region to ensure they are COVID-Secure.

Visit Lincoln  continues to support the tourism and hospitality sector as it emerges out of lockdown. It has been working with tourism businesses across the region to ensure they are ‘COVID-Secure’; as well as guarantee Lincolnshire is recognised as one of the safest destinations in England; Proving that Lincolnshire is ‘Good to Go’!

The Destination Management Organisation has been providing extensive business support and advice to visitor economy businesses across Lincolnshire during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as lobbying for clear guidance from Government. By disseminating vital information to partners and stakeholders alike, they have enabled businesses to come out of lockdown with confidence and clear guidance. Helping them reopen in a safe and responsible manner and instilling consumer confidence.

Through an extensive social media campaign, as well as regular virtual meet-ups with partners , Visit Lincoln has championed the ’ We’re Good to Go’ industry standard self-assessment and supporting mark and the ‘Know Before You Go’ public information campaign both created by VisitEngland.

‘We’re Good to Go’ is the official UK mark to signal that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

Charlotte Goy Interim Chief Executive for Visit Lincoln explains:

“Although it’s essential to stick to social distancing rules until we’re told otherwise, it is also important to start looking forward to life after lockdown! The weekend of the 4th July, was an exciting but nevertheless daunting time for tourism businesses. However we are delighted to say that all our partners really stepped up to the mark, and provided a warm and safe welcome to visitors; all of which is incredibly encouraging. “

“Lincolnshire is finally coming back to life, but this would not have been possible without the diligence, and support of our tourism businesses who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create secure yet inviting and friendly environments.”

“Our priority is to make sure tourism across Lincolnshire rebounds to once again become one of our most successful sectors of the local economy. This could be a golden opportunity for domestic tourism and we want to ensure Lincolnshire is at the forefront!”

Alongside the industry standard VisitEngland have also launched a ‘Know Before You Go’ public information campaign to support tourism, reassuring visitors as restrictions are lifted by checking about what it is safe to do and when, and sign-posting to essential information before travelling.

Visit Lincoln is steering this campaign for Lincolnshire across all of its social media channels on Visit Lincoln.com & Visit Lincolnshire.com. Campaign categories include:

  • Discover Things to Do
  • Where to Eat & Drink
  • Find Places to Stay
  • Enjoy Shopping
  • Explore Outdoors
  • Use our Travel Tools

Businesses can get involved by completing their ‘Good to Go’ certification, and emailing any alterations to their business to Visit Lincoln. Businesses are encourage to follow the campaign by tagging @VisitLincoln @VisitLincolnshire in any marketing using #OpenForBusiness #ProudToBeOpen

Digital Marketing has proved to be integral to the re-launch of tourism across the county and continues to underpin its recovery.

Visit Lincoln’s digital statistics have rocketed since lockdown with an overall audience increase of over 55% across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This included the much applauded joint campaign with the NHS, Wallbreaker and East Lindsey District Council. So far Visit Lincoln’s digital marketing campaign since March has had a reach of 1,085,650.

View Visit Lincoln’s website campaign here.