Join 'Three Inch Fools' for an evening of merry-making and merry-men, as they perform their calamitous take on the legendary folktale, Robin Hood, with Tattershall Castle as their backdrop.
Prepare yourself for an evening of mischief and hilarity, as Three Inch Fools return to Tattershall Castle with a production which can only be described as disastrous.
Beneath the Major Oak, their inept troupe of only three actors will gather to tell the story of Britain’s best-known folktale. The only problem is: no one can agree on how the story ought to go! As each actor battles to tell their own version of the legendary tale, our hero Robin must use every string to his bow to bring his band of merry misfits together.
Bring your own blankets, cushions, and camping chairs and come join us for an outdoor performance at this stunning historic landmark in Lincolnshire. Come prepared for the weather - the performance will continue come rain come shine!
Accessibility Notice: There are accessible spaces on the Castle driveway, allowing easier access to the inner ward (where the performance will take place) for those with access requirements. Please check the National Trust website for more information.
Cafe / Tea Room
Guided Tours
Gift Shop
Groups Welcome
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Sleaford Road
Tel: 01526 342543
More About The Venue
Tattershall Castle
things to do in the area
ARK Wildlife Park & Rescue Zoo
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre (BBMF)
Boston Tourist Information Centre
Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
The King Charles III England Coast Path
Bardney Woods & Wetlands Birdwatching
Lincoln & Witham Landscape Recovery
Woodhall Airfield and Kirkby Reserves Birdwatching
Woodhall Spa Airfield Nature Reserve
Blackfriars Theatre and Arts Centre