Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre

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Visit this living memorial to the 55,500 men of Bomber Command who lost their lives. Discover one of the rarest aircrafts, an Arvo Lancaster Bomber plus many historical wartime vehicles such as the Ford WOT1 Crew Bus.

  • Cafe / Tea RoomCafe / Tea Room
  • Guided ToursGuided Tours
  • ParkingParking
  • AccessibleAccessible
  • ToiletsToilets
  • Gift ShopGift Shop
  • Groups WelcomeGroups Welcome
  • Coach ParkingCoach Parking

Living memorial to Bomber Command, experience rare and iconic aircraft

The Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre is home to some of the rarest aircraft and wartime vehicles and offers unique hands-on and authentic aviation experiences.

Visit the museum for acknowledgements of the the services, dedication and sacrifices of Bomber Command during World War II, plus exhibits and displays offering a wide and varied perspective of WWII and aviation heritage such as The Home Front, the award-winning Escape Room, an authentic World War II Control Tower and more.

Aviation Heritage

The Museum

Explore the museum with an array of interesting and informative displays on aviation heritage. Plus visit the authentic WWII Control Tower and Hangar built on the site of the original wartime hangar base.

Aviation Heritage

NAAFI - A Trip Back in Time

Step back in time with an immersive wartime café experience. Eat and drink freshly prepared produce and shop wartime photos whilst listening to wartime classics.

Lancaster Taxi Ride Experiences

Discover the Lancaster Bomber from an entirely different perspective.

A number of special bookable packages provide a unique opportunity to experience the vibrations, smells, sound and atmosphere of 'Just Jane' first-hand on a real Bomber Command airfield. 

Vehicle Collection

Discover one if the most unique collections of privately owned WWII RAF vehicles including the Ford WOT1 Crew Bus, only one of its kind known to still exist.

Special Events

Enjoy a host of varied events held throughout the year, including full air shows, reenactments such as Spitfire and ME109 dogfights, firework displays, Rover Car Rallies and so much more.

opening times

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Summertime (Easter Weekend- Last Weekend in October)
10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Wintertime (Last Monday in October - Easter Weekend)
10:00 - 16:00

entry & prices

Concessions (Senior citizens and HM Armed Forces)
Children (6 - 15 yrs)
Under 5s
Family (2+2)

Visit Site

more information

Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre

East Kirkby



PE23 4DE