
StoryTrails Lincoln

Lincoln Library

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Jul 30
30th July 2022 - 31st July 2022

The StoryTrails app and local performers will guide you through an immersive tour of Lincoln as you travel through time and space to experience the place where you live in new and magical ways.

You will explore stories across virtual and augmented reality and via a series of installations, bringing the physical and the digital together and breathing new life into your surroundings. Guided by a mobile AR app, you will be led at your own pace to different story points along a route with a choice of story trails to follow. Outside Lincoln Library you will enter a virtual store portal to begin your StoryTrails experience. 

Using a mix of stunning augmented reality experiences that remix the BFI, BBC and MACE (Media Archive for Central England at University of Lincoln) archive, you will experience history where it actually happened, revitalising the streets upon which they stand with new voices and untold stories of the past. Inside the library you will be immersed and fly through a unique virtual map of Lincoln made up of 3D models, and audio stories captured on location. You will also have the opportunity to explore further stories via bespoke virtual reality experiences on headsets. 

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Lincoln Central Library

Free School Lane
