
Harriet Plewis Artist Residency – NSO

North Sea Observatory, Chapel St Leonards

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Jul 31
31st July 2023 - 22nd October 2023

The North Sea Observatory (NSO) will host Harriet Plewis in the first of three artist residencies planned for this stunning building over the next three years.

About the residency

Following on from the success of pilot exhibitions within the NSO gallery space, Lincoln Museum are seeking to develop a lasting relationship with the local community and establish the gallery as a space to access high quality art. Lincoln Museum and Usher Gallery aim to develop and support a programme of future residencies over the next three years.
A brief went out seeking applications from artists who are interested in responding to the space, the human relationship to the coast, and whose practice centres community participation. Harriet Plewis has been selected to be the first artist in residence at the NSO.

About Harriet Plewis
Harriet Plewis is an artist and educator. Her activity is rooted in performance, critical pedagogies and the moving image. Her work looks at expanded reading, the mechanics of solidarity, and the conditions for co-creation. In collaboration with others, she makes Reading Rooms, which are homages to texts in the form of temporary venues.
For her NSO residency, Plewis will write a ‘routier’ for the building and its coastline. Routiers were ancient poems (spoken or sung) containing navigational instructions that sailors learned by heart and recited from memory to guide them across the seas. Particularly explored by poet Dionne Brand in her work A Map to the Door of No Return, this ancient, pre-cartographic form will see Plewis and participants think through non-standard ways of learning, memorising, archiving, and commemorating.

An exhibition will take place at the NSO at the end of the residency. There will also be an exhibition in Lincoln in 2024. 

  • Cafe / Tea RoomCafe / Tea Room
  • WifiWifi
  • ParkingParking
  • AccessibleAccessible
  • ToiletsToilets
  • Groups WelcomeGroups Welcome
  • Dog FriendlyDog Friendly

opening times

Monday 31st July - Sunday 22nd October

Opening hours for the North Sea Observatory apply.

entry & prices

This is a free event

more information

North Sea Observatory

Chapel St Leonards


PE24 5XA