Museums & Galleries

Grantham Museum

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Grantham Museum aims to educate, inform and inspire visitors with the stories of Grantham and the surrounding area. Bringing the collective heritage to life through physical and digital exhibitions and experiences.

  • Cafe / Tea RoomCafe / Tea Room
  • ToiletsToilets
  • Gift ShopGift Shop
  • Groups WelcomeGroups Welcome
  • Meeting FacilitiesMeeting Facilities

In early 2011 the Grantham Community Heritage Association (GCHA) was formed by a group of local volunteers to manage Grantham Museum after it was closed.

The GCHA worked towards towards re-opening the Museum in time to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, and the Museum has been open ever since. To continue this, the GCHA is establishing contact with local educational establishments, charities, business and community groups to share innovative ideas on the future of the Museum.

opening times

Thursday - Saturday
10am - 4pm

Free Entry 

more information

Grantham Museum

St Peters Hill


NG31 6PY

Tel: 01476 568783