1 hour
30 mins


Heighington Walk One


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Heighington lies 4 miles south-east of Lincoln close to where the Lincolnshire Limestone Edge meets the Fenland that runs along the River Witham. This circular walk uses field paths and will take in views of Lincoln Cathedral and a section beside a beck.

Starting point
Butcher and Beast pub
High Street
Grid reference TF 031 694


  • Linked to Public TransportLinked to Public Transport
  • RefreshmentsRefreshments
  • Dog FriendlyDog Friendly

The village once had its own blacksmith and wheelwright who together made and shod new wheels.

The village also had its own mill, Park Mill, which ground corn for centuries, using the power of the beck to drive the water wheel to turn the millstones. Steam and then diesel engines took over before the Mill finally closed, in the 1970s, and was converted into accommodation. This walk also passes the village sheepwash where more than 1500 animals a year were washed at a cost of 6d (2 1/2 p) a score (20). Some cottages in the village downstream still obtained all their household water from the beck until the late 1920s.

  • 1From the Butcher & Beast pub, cross the road, turn right and take the first left, Wheelwright Lane. At the junction, turn right, into Back Lane.
  • 2At the T-junction cross to the opposite pavement and turn left to walk uphill.
  • 3At the brow of the hill take the public footpath on the right, just past Edward Barker Road. This takes you down a green lane to join Garratt Close. Walk straight on to the end of the close and across the green, to the left corner. Cross the bridge over the railway. At the field walk straight ahead to a footpath sign and then bear left across the field to join a track, Pudding Busk Lane.
  • 4Turn right and then follow the footpath sign left to cross another field to the hedge. Turn Right alongside the hedge to emerge onto the road.
  • 5Cross the road, turn right, then left and follow the footpath along the right side of the hedgerow ahead. This path, except for a right and left kink, leads straight to the Heighington Beck.
  • 6Cross the footbridge, turn right and follow the footpath along the beck to Cliff Farm.
  • 7At the farm, cross the track and continue straight ahead alongside the beck. Cross the bridge and turn right to continue beside the beck. Ignore a bridge on the right (leading to a permissive path) and go through a kissing gate and continue along the field edge with the beck on your right.
  • 8At the junction with a road, Sheepwash Lane, turn right and follow the tarmac track to where the road and track turn sharp right. Cross the road, with extreme care, and join the path on the other side heading towards the railway line. Walk under the railway line and then bear right along a footpath. Continue on the path beside the beck past the school to Park Mill and a road.
  • 9Turn right, then left, to continue along the footpath, beside the beck, to the High Street. Turn left, then right along the footpath, by the village sign, to continue alongside the beck for approximately 175 metres. Follow the path as it turns right into Blacksmith Lane and straight on to the High Street and the starting point.

This walk uses roadside paths, field paths and village paths.

There are no stiles. You might encounter livestock.

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Starting point

Butcher and Beast pub

High Street



Grid reference TF 031 694